Monday 2 September 2013

ES1102 English Language Experience Draft 2

English has never been a subject that I can score well since I started my education. It could be attributed to my Chinese-speaking family background and also my lack of interest in the subject. My lack of interest in English began in my primary school days.

During primary school, I had problems with grammar, verb, sentence structure and many more, therefore I usually had to stay back after school for remedial lessons. My English teacher took the effort to explain the meaning of verb, adjectives and all that stuff. However at the end of the lesson I did not absorb anything she said. This eventually led to a weak English foundation, which translated to poor results and subsequent lack of confidence and interest in the subject.

In previous years of education that I went through, all an individual needed was a pass in English to advance to the next stage of education. However, the university education which I am presently in poses a huge challenge to me since heavy emphasis is placed on writing. Thus a good command of English is vital to survive this education system.

There is indeed regret that I did not take English seriously when I was younger, however since it’s never too late to learn, I hope that by doing my best for this module, there will be improvements in my English.

1 comment:

  1. Chin Hwee realised the importance of learning english and hoped to improve as his lack of interest in the language contributed to his weakness in the subject and consequently posed a challenge for him at the tertiary level.
